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external observation中文是什么意思

用"external observation"造句"external observation"怎么读"external observation" in a sentence


  • 外部观测
  • 外观测


  • In the end i conjugate the inside observation and the external observation of dam , do the homological research to the inside observation and the external observation of dam . the main contents that this paper can be concluded as : 1 . to research finite element calculation mode for complicated problem in the mechanics
    本文研究的主要内容可归纳为: 1 、研究将有限元法作为求解力学中的复杂问题的数值解法的计算模式; 2 、基于有限元混凝土坝位移确定性模型的建立; 3 、确定性模型在三门峡大坝形变分析中验证; 4 、大坝的内、外部观测新技术应用及响应性研究思路。
用"external observation"造句  
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